Concordance Search

End Point: [TMEngine URL]/concordance
Default: http://localhost:8000/TMServer/concordance
Send a 'POST' request to the method end point with these parameters in a JSON body:
Field Required Content
id yes
ID of the memory where the search should be performed
text Yes Text string to search
srcLang Yes Source language code
limit Yes Integer value indicating the maximum number of matches to include
isRegexp Yes Boolean value indicationg wether the search text should be treated as a regular expression
caseSensitive Yes Boolean value indicating whether the search should be case sensitive or not
  "id": "fluenta",
  "text": "segment",
  "srcLang": "en",
  "limit": 5,
  "isRegexp": false,
  "caseSensitive": true
On success, field 'status' is set to 'OK' and field 'process' contains the ID of the background search process that was initiated.
  "process": "1572531573026",
  "status": "OK"
On error, field 'status' is set to 'failed' and field 'reason' contains the error cause.
  "status": "failed",            
  "reason": "Unknown memory type"        
After starting the search process, monitor its status using the Get Process Status method.
On successful completion, the result will contain an array of <tu> elements that contain the searched text in the data field.
  "result": "Completed",
  "data": {
    "entries": [
      "<tu creationid="rmraya" creationdate="20161225T150949Z" creationtool="Swordfish" 
      creationtoolversion="3.3-8" tuid="-1247472893-0-1586928971">
      <prop type="project">Fluenta</prop>
      <tuv xml:lang="es"><seg>Hay segmentos con errores de etiquetas.</seg></tuv>
      <tuv xml:lang="en"><seg>There are segments with tag errors.</seg></tuv></tu>"
  "status": "OK"