Import TMX File

End Point: [TMEngine URL]/import
Default: http://localhost:8000/TMServer/import
Send a 'POST' request to the method end point with these parameters in a JSON body:
Field Required Content
id Yes ID of the memory to populate with TMX data
file Yes Path to the TMX file being imported
subject No Name or identifier of the subject associated with the TMX file
client No Name or identifier of the client associated with the TMX file
project No Name or identifier of the project associated with the TMX file
The TMEngine server must have access to the TMX file being imported. When importing a TMX file into a remote server, copy or upload the file to the server first and supply the right path in the JSON body.
  "id": "1568163112478",
  "file": "/Volumes/Data/segments.tmx",
  "project": "Main TM"
The server responds with a JSON object containing two fields.
On success, field 'status' is set to 'OK' and field 'process' contains the ID of the background import process that was initiated.
  "process": "1568222345643",
  "status": "OK"
On error, field 'status' is set to 'failed' and field 'reason' contains the error cause.
  "status": "failed",            
  "reason": "Unknown memory type"        
After starting the import process, monitor its status using the Get Process Status method. On successful completion, the result will contain the number of segments imported.
  "result": "Completed",
  "data": {
    "imported": "57678"
  "status": "OK"